Visit of Expert on Research, Development and Innovation Structures Design

Dr. James Ryan, Research, Development and Innovation Structures Designer was on mission in Baku during the period April 1 – 12, 2019. Dr. James Ryan is an experienced specialist in science policy and innovation management issues with emphasis on life sciences.  Internationally, he has conducted projects in Romania, UAE, Lithuania, Estonia, Thailand, Malaysia and China.  These included evaluation and re-development of national R&D funding initiatives. Dr. Ryan is the Director at the Circa Group Europe, an international consulting company, located in Dublin, Ireland.  

During his mission he developed recommendations for structure and functions of the future Research, Development and Innovation Unit, which is going to be organized within Institute of Education. He also delivered training for the Project Team on Introduction for RDI. His presentation included following topics: RDI terms and definitions; who conducts research and why, university research; organization, funding and management, university research facilities and supports and RDI Unit Goals, Structure and Functions. Considering the classical academic research group, Dr. Ryan pointed out the importance of Principal Investigator (PI). Concerning RDI Unit, it can be concluded that its major roles will be monitoring and supporting Azerbaijani universities` research performance, managing certain National R&D Funding schemes and promoting participation of Azerbaijani universities in international research programmes.

Dr. Ryan also visited and attended fruitful meetings at National Aviation Academy, Academy of Public Administration and Azerbaijani-French University with the purpose of reviewing the current nature and extent of the research activities in Azerbaijan academic environment.